Installing CaPe Server

This section covers the steps needed to properly install CaPe Server backend.

CaPe Server is the core backend of the CaPe platform. It implements and exposes all the main functionalities provided by Cape, regarding the lifecycle management and storage of Service Descriptions, Service Linking, Consent Records and Auditing (see Cape workflow section).

Its main components are:

  • Account Manager: Manage the lifecycle of the Cape Account, Account signing keys for Service Linking.
  • Service Manager: Manage the Service Linking internal processes and Service Link Record storage.
  • Consent Manager: Manage the Consent Records lifecycle, the generation of Consent Forms, etc.
  • Auditlog Manager: Collects aggregated auditing statistics, triggered by incoming Event Logs (ServiceLink, Consent or Data Processing) regarding a specific Account.
  • Service Registry : Collects the Service Descriptions and registrations (Signing keys and certificates).

Each of them are implemented as Spring Boot Java services, and will be deployed with a tighly coupled storage service (MongoDB 4.2+).

Two installation modes are available:

After installing Cape Server

Once you have installed Cape Server, you must follow following steps to start using its APIs directly, through Dashboards or through Cape SDK.

  • Create Data Operator Description

Create Data Operator Description

In particular, you have to create the DataOperatorDescription, which will describe the installed instance of Cape Server.

NOTE. This Operator (intended according to the My Data specification) is not to be confused with the Service Provider's operator that will interact with Cape by the means of Data Controller Dashboard and Cape SDK/APIs.

Data Operator Description model

Following table describes the Data Operator Description model:

Property Name Type Description Allowed values
operatorId string Unique id for the Operator (arbitrary) any
serviceProvider Service Provider Object describing Cape's Service Provider See below
operatorServiceDescriptionVersion string Operator Description version any
supportedProfiles enum [] Supported profiles "contract", "consenting",​ "​3rd​ ​party​ ​re-use",​ "​notification",​ "​objection"
operatorUrls OperatorUrls Object describing Operator Url used in Cape functionalities See below

Following table describes the Service Provider model (intended as Cape Provider):

Property Name Type Description
businessId string Unique identifier (arbitrary) for Cape Provider
name string Cape Provider name
address1 string Principal address
address2 string Secondary address
postalcode string Postal Code
city string City
state string State
country string Country
email string Email
phone string Phone number
jurisdiction string Jurisdiction

Following table describes the fields of OperatorUrls class:
These Urls depends on how Cape Server is installed,

Property Name Type Description
linkingUri string URL where user should be redirected when Service Linking started from the Service (must be http(s)://CAPE_DASHBOARD_URL/serviceLinking)
linkingRedirectURI string URL​ ​where user​ ​should​ ​be redirected​ ​after​ ​service​ ​has been​ ​linked.​ ​Used​ ​in​ ​Service Linking​ ​starting​ ​from​ User Self-Service Dashboard (must be http(s)://CAPE_DASHBOARD_URL/pages/services/linkedServices)

NOTE. Replace CAPE_DASHBOARD_URL with the actual Base url (reachable by browser) where User Self-Service dashboard was installed. Consider that User Self Service Dashboard by default appends /cape-dashboard to the Base url where it is public accessible (e.g. http://localhost), see the example below.

NOTE. The businessId here is related to the Provider of Cape Suite itself (e.g. Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A) not to be confused with the businessId relative to the Service Provider/Data Controller, which will be used in the Cape SDK configuration and related Service Descriptions.

Create Data Operator Description via API

In order to create the Operator Description on Cape Server, issue a POST with a JSON body like the following one to the /api/v2/dataOperatorDescriptions endpoint of Cape Server's Service Manager component (depending on how you have installed Cape Server. E.g. http://localhost:8082/service-manager/api/v2/dataOperatorDescriptions).

  "operatorId": "cape",
  "serviceProvider": {
    "businessId": "ENG", 
    "name": "string",
    "address1": "string",
    "address2": "string",
    "postalcode": "string",
    "city": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "country": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "jurisdiction": "string"
  "operatorServiceDescriptionVersion": "string",
  "supportedProfiles": [
  "operatorUrls": {
    "domain": "string",
    "linkingUri": "http://localhost/cape-dashboard/serviceLinking",
    "linkingRedirectUri": "http://localhost/cape-dashboard/pages/services/linkedServices"
  "createdOnDate": "2020-04-10T10:06:55.333Z",
  "createdByUserId": "string"